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Achieve ULTIMATE Financial FREEDOM.
IGnite Accountants are here to help you plan for the future and achieve the Wealth you need for a comfortable retirement. We keep things simple & this is the approach we offer.
Don’t be fooled by the simplicity, others try to confuse and scare their clients into products that will help the firm not the client. We want to make things so simple that you can have the confidence to take control of your financial future.
Our phylosphy is that you can't be everything to every one so we help you design the big picture and then we engage our product specialists to execute an investment strategy to achieve your life strategy and goals.
Your Goals
Are you aiming for some or all of these?
New / Upgraded House
New Car
Children's Education
Debt Free Life Style
Retirement Funding
More control over your superannuation
We want to help you achieve your financial goals. To do this, we'll help you create, grow and protect your wealth.
Self Managed Super Fund's (SMSF's) are a great way to invest in property and/or take control of your equity investment strategy. Talk to us today about if this approach is right for you.
Here's the hard bit: No-one can guarantee what the share market or property prices will do in the future. We certainly can't.
We're here to maximize the probability of you achieving your financial goals, despite uncontrollable factors. For this reason we have selected what we believe to be the best advisers in the market place to design an investment portfolio to meet you financial goals.
Our Services
Specialist SMSF Services:
Establishment of SMSF
Estate planning strategies and advice
Pension strategies
Investment advice:
Contributions Strategies (maximising member benefits in a tax effective environment)
Trust deed reviews
SMSF property investment (borrowing within SMSF) or through an ungeared unit trust
Annual & Ongoing Compliance:
Account preparation – financial statements, member benefit statements, investment reports
Tax return preparation and lodgment
Minutes to the meetings
Corporate Trustee Resolutions
Pension actuarial certificates
Audit by an approved independent auditor
Investment strategy compliance documentation and a review with a qualified investment manager if required
GST registrations
IAS & BAS return lodgements
Transactional bookkeeping using BGL 360
Annual Concessional and Non concessional Cap advice
Your Check List
There are 7 key areas to wealth building. You need all 7 and the sooner we can start working with you in these areas, the sooner you will be able to achieve financial freedom!
1. Know your Retirement Gap
We’ll create for you a one page plan for your future – how much $ you will need, an estimate of how much $ you’ll have, and how to help you get to what $ you’ll need to ensure you have a prosperous financial future!
2. Get in Financial Control
To make the best decisions, you need to see your entire financial position on one page, with yesterday’s balances for all cash accounts, credit cards, loans, and investments. Using our financial fact finder we collect this information and show you how you are looking and what it will take to meet your objectives.
3. Reduce Debt - or make it Tax Deductible
You need a plan to reduce your debt over time – and debt optimisation helps you to reduce your non-tax deductible debt, and to turn whatever debt you do have into tax deductible debt if possible. Includes: Home Loan Review and Debt Optimisation advice.
4. Get your Superannuation Working Hard
Your Superannuation account or SMSF is the key to your wealth creation. Your SMSF can borrow to purchase property investments using recent tax law changes. Includes: Superannuation Review.
5. Reduce Tax – using a Protected Share Investment
Imagine buying shares with no capital downside risk! Receive all dividends and capital growth without losing your capital if your shares go down in value. Save tax at the same time, in most cases with no up-front cash required.
7. Keep your Family Wealth in your bloodline
Ensures that your assets are kept in your family bloodline rather than possibly having one of your children lose their inheritance from a failed relationship. This gets your Wills and Power of Attorney up to date, and is one of the best things you can do to protect your family’s hard earned wealth.
6. Protect your Family Lifestyle if anything goes wrong
Ensures you and your family can continue to live your chosen lifestyle after a sickness / accident / death. Includes: Income Protection, Life, Trauma, Disability Insurance and Business Insurance advice.
Key Area
Why this is important
BOOK NOW for a free, no obligation 30 minute chat to see your life and your future on paper. Talk with one of our specialists to map out some simple strategies that could alter the course of your life.
This could be the MOST important meeting you ever have.
Bradley Cowley is an Authorised Representative (No.1240639) of
GPS Wealth Ltd | ABN 17 005 482 726 | AFSL 254 544 | Australian Credit License 254 544 | GPS Wealth Ltd Financial Services Guide | GPS Wealth Ltd Privacy Policy | GPS Wealth Ltd Complaints
The information contained on this webpage has been provided as general advice only. The contents have been prepared without taking account of your objectives, financial situation or needs. You should, before you make any decision regarding any information, strategies or products mentioned on this website, consult your own financial advisor to consider whether that is appropriate having regard to your own objectives, financial situation and needs. Whilst IGnite Group Services Pty Ltd is of the view the contents of this website or webpage is based on information which is believed to be reliable, its accuracy and completeness are not guaranteed and no warranty of accuracy or reliability is given or implied and no responsibility for any loss or damage arising in any way for any representation, act or omission is accepted by IGnite Group Services Pty Ltd or GPS Wealth Ltd or any officer, agent or employee of IGnite Group Services Pty Ltd or GPS Wealth Ltd.
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